Burkholderia thailandensis E264 ATCC 700388, BTH_II0547 (bceF)

Cytoplasmic Membrane
Outer Membrane
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Gene Feature Overview

Strain Burkholderia thailandensis E264 ATCC 700388
Locus Tag
NCBI Locus TagBTH_RS02855
Replicon chromosome II
Genomic location 649613 - 651832 (+ strand)
Transposon Mutants 2 transposon mutants in E264 ATCC 700388
CommentMember of the bce-I gene cluster


RefSeq YP_438747.1
GI 83716548
Entrez 3845502
GI 83716548
NCBI Locus Tag BTH_RS02855
NCBI Old Locus Tag BTH_II0547
RefSeq WP_009895611.1
UniProtKB Acc Q2T7V2


Feature Type CDS
Coding Frame 1
Product Name
tyrosine kinase BceF
Product Name Confidence: Class 2
Synonyms exopolysaccharide tyrosine-protein kinase
Evidence for Translation
Charge (pH 7) -0.65
Kyte-Doolittle Hydrophobicity Value -0.068
Molecular Weight (kDa) 79491.4
Isoelectric Point (pI) 6.87

Subcellular localization

Individual Mappings
Localization Confidence PMID
Cytoplasmic Membrane Class 3
Additional evidence for subcellular localization

AlphaFold 2 Protein Structure Predictions

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Pathogen Association Analysis

Found in both pathogen and nonpathogenic strains
Hits to this gene were found in 463 genera

Orthologs/Comparative Genomics

Burkholderia Ortholog Group BG004851 (638 members)
Putative Inparalogs None Found


STRING database Search for predicted protein-protein interactions using:
Search term: BTH_II0547
Search term: bceF

Human Homologs


Functional analysis of Burkholderia cepacia genes bceD and bceF, encoding a phosphotyrosine phosphatase and a tyrosine autokinase, respectively: role in exopolysaccharide biosynthesis and biofilm formation.
Ferreira AS, Leitão JH, Sousa SA, Cosme AM, Sá-Correia I, Moreira LM
Appl Environ Microbiol 2007 Jan;73(2):524-34
PubMed ID: 17114319
Comparative transcriptomic analysis of the Burkholderia cepacia tyrosine kinase bceF mutant reveals a role in tolerance to stress, biofilm formation, and virulence.
Ferreira AS, Silva IN, Oliveira VH, Becker JD, Givskov M, Ryan RP, Fernandes F, Moreira LM
Appl Environ Microbiol 2013 May;79(9):3009-20
PubMed ID: 23435894
The tyrosine kinase BceF and the phosphotyrosine phosphatase BceD of Burkholderia contaminans are required for efficient invasion and epithelial disruption of a cystic fibrosis lung epithelial cell line.
Ferreira AS, Silva IN, Fernandes F, Pilkington R, Callaghan M, McClean S, Moreira LM
Infect Immun 2015 Feb;83(2):812-21
PubMed ID: 25486990
Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation in Burkholderia cenocepacia Affect Biofilm Formation, Growth under Nutritional Deprivation, and Pathogenicity.
Andrade A, Tavares-Carreón F, Khodai-Kalaki M, Valvano MA
Appl Environ Microbiol 2016 Feb 1;82(3):843-56
PubMed ID: 26590274
Distribution of cepacian biosynthesis genes among environmental and clinical Burkholderia strains and role of cepacian exopolysaccharide in resistance to stress conditions.
Ferreira AS, Leitão JH, Silva IN, Pinheiro PF, Sousa SA, Ramos CG, Moreira LM
Appl Environ Microbiol 2010 Jan;76(2):441-50
PubMed ID: 19948863